
Rev. Kevin L. McMachen


Our God does some amazing things.  Since giving my life to Christ in 2002, God has continuously changed me a piece at a time.  I could have never imagined the path that He had laid out for me. 


In the Fall of 2017, I answered His call to ministry.   I went through the process of discernment and was certified as a candidate for ministry and found myself appointed at one of the most loving and prayerful churches I have ever known.  It is apparent that the people of Highlands United Methodist Church love God, love their community, and love all who grace the doors of this historic church.  They are most welcoming and caring.  I am humbled by the opportunity to serve beside so many faithful Christians. 


I have been given the privilege to lead this congregation into our community and beyond to change the lives of all that we encounter.  This church has love overflowing, and is about to burst.  I cannot wait to see how this church moves into the community. 


Just starting in ministry, I believe every pastor has ideas about where they can make the most significant impact.  I am no different.  Once, many years ago, my life was completely changed by knowing Christ.  I was lost in the world, and Christ found me and lead me here.  I have one goal for my ministry.  That goal is to tell everyone I meet about the glorious gift that Christ gave me.  The world needs to know and understand the grace God has, and know that love that we do not deserve is given with no strings attached.  We are saved from the world because of Christ.


By the grace of God and the love of his people, we have a place to worship and share God’s love.  God was there for me when I needed Him, and I will be here for you.  It is my great honor to be your pastor.


By the grace of God,

Pastor Kevin McMachen


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